I always start preparing my Easter Sermon months in advance.
I start thinking about the theme of
the sermon and what I want to say to all of you.
This year was no different.
But then we found ourselves in a
And I will be honest I totally forgot
all the things I was going to say.
And this sermon is very different
from the one I was going to give.
The story of course is the same.
The women show up at the tomb that
day expecting death, and they find life.
They are told not to be afraid.
They are told to go and tell others what is happening.
They are told to go and tell others what is happening.
Jesus meets them on the road.
Jesus is alive.
The meaning of this story is deep and
And since the first Easter we have
been figuring out what it means for us and our lives.
This is the story that we turn to
when life is hard or tragic.
But I would offer this morning that
the meaning changes for us depending on where we find ourselves.
The sermon I was going to give was
great for the time before the pandemic.
But I believe the reason I forgot it
was because it wasn't good for where we are now.
And where we are now is in the middle
of this thing.
And the best case scenario is that we
will still be in this spot for a least another three weeks.
And every week seems to take a long
time in this new place.
So we have to ask ourselves how does
this story of resurrection talk to us now?
Here in the place we find ourselves
this morning.
Let me suggest this morning that this
story is more important to us this morning.
We need this story really bad today.
(Well…I can't speak for you, but I
need it today.)
I need Jesus to tell me, "Don't
be afraid"
I need an angel to show up and tell
me that Jesus is not in the tomb!
I need that feeling of joy that the
women experience when they are told that Jesus is not in the tomb.
Recently, John Krasinski the actor, who played Jim on the television show "The office", started a youtube show called "Some Good News".
In the show John shows clips of good
things that are happening in this pandemic.
Everything from fathers making crazy
golf shots, to people cheering on medical personal as they return from their
It is really a wonderful thing.
I encourage you to check it out on
It will lift your spirits.
It will show you that there is so
much good in the world.
When I watch this I cry.
I am moved because I need this good
news so badly.
And that is what we receive this
We are not just receiving some good
news, but THE GOOD NEWS!
The best news that we could get.
Jesus lives and so do we!
Even among death and sin Jesus lives!
He is not in the tomb.
Go with Joy and tell this to
I am wondering if you ever had that
The one where you get some good news
and you can't wait to tell others, and at the same time you are a little
nervous to tell others.
In my first years or so of High
school I didn't do so well.
There were lots of reasons for this,
but I wasn't a good student.
I remember the first time I made the
honor roll.
I couldn't wait to tell my parents.
But I was also a little afraid.
Afraid because now it meant I was
really capable of doing the work.
Afraid because what I had believed
about myself wasn't true.
I was capable, I was smart, I was
good enough.
Before this I had given up.
I imagine that is what it was like on
that first Easter.
Jesus' followers had given up.
They believed that the bad things of the world had won.
They believed that the bad things of the world had won.
They believed that all the things
Jesus had said and done were not true.
That they should be afraid, because
the Romans and religious leaders were too powerful.
That love wasn't enough.
And the good news that the women hear
changes all of that.
Everything that Jesus said is true!
Good news does win!
Jesus is not in the tomb!
In our congregation we have seen lots
of this.
I am amazed at the ways we are
staying connected even though we are not meeting in person.
One of those ways was through this
project that we done by one of our members Andi Kelleher.
She asked the congregation to all send in a
cut-out or picture of their hand with their name on it and one word reflecting
something they are doing while in this distancing time.
Then she made it into this wonderful collage of
our hands.
I want to share what Andi wrote about this
"We are together, united in Christ.
God with us!
We are parents and children, family and
We work, we play, we serve, we pray.
We were given life, breath, mind, spirit.
And as Jesus teaches us, we use it all for
God's purpose.
We use our hands to boost each other.
And we lift our hands to God in praise
Who made us all-united-in God's love.
So though we are part- the spirit is here--
Connecting us -
To each other and to so many more
And to God, our wondrous Lord."
That is what it is to believe in this story,
this miraculous wondrous story.
It is to believe that even when death is around
us Jesus is alive in us.
Even when we are not physically together we are
connected to each other through the Holy Spirit!
Even though the world is out of control, and we
are not sure what it all means, we trust God will use our hands to boost each
other up.
You see this Easter the meaning is even more
That not even a pandemic can stop God from
A pandemic cannot stop our faith.
It cannot stop of our love for each other.
It cannot stop of our love for each other.
It cannot crush our spirit.
It cannot stop us from being connected to each
It cannot stop us from having joy and awe!
That is what we celebrate this Easter!
That is what we remember this Easter!
That the tomb that was sealed and guarded
cannot contain God!
And because of that we are not afraid.
Jesus is alive and so are we!
Because Jesus is alive we have hope, faith, and
And that is the good news that we cling to now
and always.
He Is Risen!!
He Is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!!