Sunday, December 27, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Sunday, November 22, 2020
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Sunday, October 18, 2020
Sunday, October 11, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Sunday, July 19, 2020
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Good News!!
I always start preparing my Easter Sermon months in advance.
I start thinking about the theme of
the sermon and what I want to say to all of you.
This year was no different.
But then we found ourselves in a
And I will be honest I totally forgot
all the things I was going to say.
And this sermon is very different
from the one I was going to give.
The story of course is the same.
The women show up at the tomb that
day expecting death, and they find life.
They are told not to be afraid.
They are told to go and tell others what is happening.
They are told to go and tell others what is happening.
Jesus meets them on the road.
Jesus is alive.
The meaning of this story is deep and
And since the first Easter we have
been figuring out what it means for us and our lives.
This is the story that we turn to
when life is hard or tragic.
But I would offer this morning that
the meaning changes for us depending on where we find ourselves.
The sermon I was going to give was
great for the time before the pandemic.
But I believe the reason I forgot it
was because it wasn't good for where we are now.
And where we are now is in the middle
of this thing.
And the best case scenario is that we
will still be in this spot for a least another three weeks.
And every week seems to take a long
time in this new place.
So we have to ask ourselves how does
this story of resurrection talk to us now?
Here in the place we find ourselves
this morning.
Let me suggest this morning that this
story is more important to us this morning.
We need this story really bad today.
(Well…I can't speak for you, but I
need it today.)
I need Jesus to tell me, "Don't
be afraid"
I need an angel to show up and tell
me that Jesus is not in the tomb!
I need that feeling of joy that the
women experience when they are told that Jesus is not in the tomb.
Recently, John Krasinski the actor, who played Jim on the television show "The office", started a youtube show called "Some Good News".
In the show John shows clips of good
things that are happening in this pandemic.
Everything from fathers making crazy
golf shots, to people cheering on medical personal as they return from their
It is really a wonderful thing.
I encourage you to check it out on
It will lift your spirits.
It will show you that there is so
much good in the world.
When I watch this I cry.
I am moved because I need this good
news so badly.
And that is what we receive this
We are not just receiving some good
news, but THE GOOD NEWS!
The best news that we could get.
Jesus lives and so do we!
Even among death and sin Jesus lives!
He is not in the tomb.
Go with Joy and tell this to
I am wondering if you ever had that
The one where you get some good news
and you can't wait to tell others, and at the same time you are a little
nervous to tell others.
In my first years or so of High
school I didn't do so well.
There were lots of reasons for this,
but I wasn't a good student.
I remember the first time I made the
honor roll.
I couldn't wait to tell my parents.
But I was also a little afraid.
Afraid because now it meant I was
really capable of doing the work.
Afraid because what I had believed
about myself wasn't true.
I was capable, I was smart, I was
good enough.
Before this I had given up.
I imagine that is what it was like on
that first Easter.
Jesus' followers had given up.
They believed that the bad things of the world had won.
They believed that the bad things of the world had won.
They believed that all the things
Jesus had said and done were not true.
That they should be afraid, because
the Romans and religious leaders were too powerful.
That love wasn't enough.
And the good news that the women hear
changes all of that.
Everything that Jesus said is true!
Good news does win!
Jesus is not in the tomb!
In our congregation we have seen lots
of this.
I am amazed at the ways we are
staying connected even though we are not meeting in person.
One of those ways was through this
project that we done by one of our members Andi Kelleher.
She asked the congregation to all send in a
cut-out or picture of their hand with their name on it and one word reflecting
something they are doing while in this distancing time.
Then she made it into this wonderful collage of
our hands.
I want to share what Andi wrote about this
"We are together, united in Christ.
God with us!
We are parents and children, family and
We work, we play, we serve, we pray.
We were given life, breath, mind, spirit.
And as Jesus teaches us, we use it all for
God's purpose.
We use our hands to boost each other.
And we lift our hands to God in praise
Who made us all-united-in God's love.
So though we are part- the spirit is here--
Connecting us -
To each other and to so many more
And to God, our wondrous Lord."
That is what it is to believe in this story,
this miraculous wondrous story.
It is to believe that even when death is around
us Jesus is alive in us.
Even when we are not physically together we are
connected to each other through the Holy Spirit!
Even though the world is out of control, and we
are not sure what it all means, we trust God will use our hands to boost each
other up.
You see this Easter the meaning is even more
That not even a pandemic can stop God from
A pandemic cannot stop our faith.
It cannot stop of our love for each other.
It cannot stop of our love for each other.
It cannot crush our spirit.
It cannot stop us from being connected to each
It cannot stop us from having joy and awe!
That is what we celebrate this Easter!
That is what we remember this Easter!
That the tomb that was sealed and guarded
cannot contain God!
And because of that we are not afraid.
Jesus is alive and so are we!
Because Jesus is alive we have hope, faith, and
And that is the good news that we cling to now
and always.
He Is Risen!!
He Is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!!
Saturday, April 11, 2020
That is what
you are alone.
The adoring
crowds shouting your name have left.
Your friend
betrayed you.
Your closest
disciple denied you.
The rest
fled from you.
They ran
from this sight.
Maybe they
couldn't stand to watch.
Maybe they
were afraid that they would be arrested next.
Maybe they
just didn't understand what you were going through.
But there
you are alone.
There are
people watching, but they are deriding you.
They are
mocking you.
thought you were king of the Jews"
No one
believes in you anymore.
All of the
teaching you did.
All of the
All of the
It all seems
such a waste.
It ends here
on the cross with you alone.
You don't
even know that God is with you.
"My God
my God why did you abandoned me."
We feel this
way too.
We feel
We feel that
people betray our trust.
That people
deny our existence.
That people
Leave us.
We feel that
God is not present when we suffer.
We feel
alone right now.
We feel the
pain of not being together, of having to isolate ourselves.
We wonder
why would God allow this.
Why would God
allows any of it.
You are the
Son of God and even you feel it.
Even you
know what it is to be alone.
Is that the
If God can
know our pain then we are never alone in it.
We are not alone.
Here in our
In our loss
In our hurt
that is where God is.
God is not
going to magically make it all go away.
This is what
it is to be human.
To be divine
is to be human, and to be human is to be divine.
To sit here
alone is the point.
Because this
is where God is.
This is
where our savior is.
This is
where God finds us.
And we learn
a truth revealed to us by Jesus on the cross…
We are not
Even when we
feel that way.
Even when
things are at their worst God is there.
God is in
that moment of our betrayal.
God is in
the moment of our denial.
God is in
the moment of abandonment.
God is on
the cross.
Because of this
night we can know that God is with us in all things.
We can know
that we are never alone.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Hosanna in the Highest!!!
Hosanna in the Highest!!!
I don't know what the crowds were
expecting that day.
I don't know what Jesus' disciples
were expecting.
Maybe they were hoping that this was
the time when Jesus would finally take over and rule the world.
Maybe they thought this was a
However, one thing that the crowds
got right was that they needed saving.
The word Hosanna literally means,
"Save us".
It wasn't so much that the crowd was
cheering on Jesus.
It was more of a cry of anguish.
A cry from a people that had felt the
crushing blow of being an occupied people.
A people who felt that the Romans had
treated them unjustly.
A people who knew that life was not
fair and good.
A people that experienced the
randomness of life.
And a people that needed saving.
I can think of nothing better for us
to talk about today than our need to be saved.
We do feel that very strongly now.
We feel that this world wide pandemic
is overtaking our lives.
That we are powerless to stop it.
That we are losing so much of
We are losing economically and
We do need saving.
On Facebook I saw that someone I went to high school with
Father died.
And he couldn't be there with him in
that time.
He couldn't be with his sister or
brother to properly mourn this death.
I have heard that story a bunch of
different times.
And that is the part of the toll of
this pandemic.
We are not even able to be together
in tragedy.
What are we to do?
In these times when so much is up in
the air.
In these times when we have lost so
In these times when life is so
fragile and uncertain.
What are we to do?
I have actually lived long enough now
to have seen some things.
Lots of things actually.
And lots of them not so good.
I have seen war and violence.
I have seen injustice.
I have seen death and destruction.
I have seen inhumanity.
I have seen this latest trial and
And the thing is that we do in this
time what we always do.
We look to the heavens and pray
We plead with God to save us.
And then what?
It doesn't seem to be enough right?
Shouldn't there be more.
The thing about Jesus is that there
is always more and it is often just lost on us.
Because the crowd is shouting
"Hosanna", or "Save us".
What they don't know is the way in
which that will actually happen.
They don't know that it will be
through death on a cross that Jesus will save them.
They don't know how God will choose
to save them.
And then when it happens it is
actually not even believable.
Kings don't die on crosses.
Especially if you are the King of the
Especially if you could calm storms
with only a word.
Especially if you could cure the
lame, make the blind see.
Especially if you could cast our
Especially if you talked to Elijah
and Moses.
Especially if you are transformed,
and a heavenly voice declares you the
son of God.
But God chose what was foolish in the
world to prove God's glory.
And that is where we miss the boat.
We are waiting for the big thing to
We are waiting for the miraculous
thing to happen.
And right in front of us God is at
In the way we didn't expect.
I know one thing about that first
palm Sunday.
They were not practicing physical
In fact, we know that the streets of
Jerusalem were packed with people.
People who were going to the temple
for Passover.
People who were doing what they always
did that time of year.
People who were comforted by the
And then Jesus showed up…and things
got turned around.
That week became something else
I know that coming to worship
together is a great comfort to many of us.
It provides structure and gives us a
way to thank God.
It provides for us so much.
But today as we begin Holy Week I am
wondering what is it that God is saying to us spiritually.
This is a different experience for
But this morning in the calm of this
day, in the beauty of this day, in the wonder of this day, God's grace is here.
God through Jesus Christ has come to
save us.
And that is the message of Palm
We are being saved, we just can't
seem to see it.
We can't see it because it is in
front of us and we miss it.
We can't see it because it is under
the strange ways of God.
All I can do is accept in faith that
God is at work.
To those who are losing someone they
can't be with right now know that God is at work.
To those who are suffering because of
the Coronavirus know that God is at work.
To those who are afraid, unsure, or
just really fed up know that God is at work.
In faith we turn to God in times like
these and pray, "Hosanna".
That God might come and save us.
It is not in the big public
celebration, but in our hearts that Jesus comes to rein.
It is not with violence and terror
that God comes, but on a donkey offering us peace.
This morning take a moment and breath
it in.
Do you hear it there in the distance.
Save us.
Today we have much to be saved from.
Today I hope you know that Jesus has
come to save you.
That Jesus is saving you.
Today I wish for all of you that
peace that surpasses understanding.
The peace that rests in our hearts.
The peace that comes from knowing
that even when we can't see it our faith tells us that God is at work.
Peace to you all this morning who are
being saved through Jesus Christ!
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Dying and Rising in the Time of COVID-19
This is the third week we have had to
physically distance ourselves from another.
And I am guessing this is changing
for all of us.
It seems real now that we are
entering our third week.
It really does seem that our
"normal" life is changed.
And I am wondering how you all are
dealing with it.
I imagine that like me it is becoming
more sad.
That this reality we are currently in
is unsettling.
It is not what we want from our lives
at this moment.
I want to suggest this morning that
what we are experiencing together is death.
We are losing so much of what we
thought the world was for us.
Every day I have to learn to let go
of something that I thought was "normal", and embrace what is now.
It is not easy to go through death.
I have to tell you that so far our
assigned Gospel text have been perfect for what we are facing.
They seem to capture this moment.
From shock, to the initial acceptance
of what is happening, to the grief that goes with knowing that things are no
longer the same.
And that is what our Gospel this
morning is about.
It is about a death that leads to a
changing of the world.
One of Jesus' friends Lazarus dies.
And then Jesus brings his friend back
to life.
Let us start with the death part.
One of my favorite things about this
story is how human every one is.
All these people are crying, because
they lost a friend, brother, or whatever.
And Jesus cries too.
And then the text acknowledges what
we all know about death.
It stinks!
There is no way to say it other than
When we experience a death it is
Most of the time when I meet with
people going through the loss of someone they love I tell them, "This
sucks! And that is my professional pastoral advice."
Any other way to see it just tries to
dress up death in some mushy way that it doesn't deserve.
Death stinks.
For me this acknowledgement of the
reality of death is helpful.
It is cathartic.
It is why we get together at funerals
and cry together.
It is our way of saying that death
stinks, and we acknowledge the pain that we are going through.
And let us be honest this COVID-19
I preached last week about all the
ways that we might see God at work in this time.
And all those things are true.
But this week I also want to
acknowledge that this stinks.
If you are feeling sad, and lost, and
anxious I want you to know that you are not alone.
There are lots of people out there
feeling the same way.
And it is ok to think that this whole
thing stinks.
And maybe it will be cathartic to
know that others are just as sad, lost, and anxious as you are.
But you will notice in our Gospel
this morning that is not where Jesus leaves us.
We are not left in death.
We are not left in that stinky place.
Jesus is the resurrection and the
And because he lives so do we.
And this is the other thing I get to
tell people about their loved ones death.
Yes it does stink.
But it is not the end of the story.
Their loved one is alive this very
day with God.
Their loved one is at peace, and
As a pastor one of the things I love
is to proclaim that promise when people are experiencing death.
I want to give you the same message
this morning.
This is not the place we will stay in
It is the time we are in now.
And when we come out of the tomb.
When we find ourselves on the other
side of this things will have changed.
There will have been death, but also
there is resurrection.
I can't say exactly what that will
look like for any of us.
But I know it will be there.
I want to share something that one of
our members shared with me this week.
It was about a woman who was talking
to husband about not being able to get her hair colored during this time.
She told him that during the quarantine
will be baring our true hair color as roots begin to grow in.
And her husband looked into his wife's eyes and she was reminded that the heaviness of this pandemic—financially, emotionally & mentally, has not escaped our family.
Because what he said next reminded her that it’s in the trials, in the troubles & in the tribulations, we’re gifted with a deeper experience of God’s surpassing wisdom — & that’s when he said it...
“I have a feeling it won’t just be hair roots — but our faith roots, too.”
Because that spiritual gray I’ve been bleaching with busyness...
And that job title I’ve been wearing as an identity...
And that stock number I’ve been depending on as my anchor...
And that social environment I’ve been using to fill voids...
And that place of worship I’ve been relying on as my foundation...
And those loud gatherings I’ve been trusting to drown out my thoughts....
And those non-essential shopping sprees to cover my pain...
Yep, they’re being e x p o s e d .
There’s no dying, coloring, highlighting, low-lighting, Balayage-ing, covering, hiding these roots.
And since God is not a God of condemnation, but of revelation from the One who is our safehaven; no shadow of shame will cover our face (or hair) ~Psalm 34.5
It’s here IN this time of stillness where God gently reveals the roots, exposes the gray & blankets us in His confident hope.
And her husband looked into his wife's eyes and she was reminded that the heaviness of this pandemic—financially, emotionally & mentally, has not escaped our family.
Because what he said next reminded her that it’s in the trials, in the troubles & in the tribulations, we’re gifted with a deeper experience of God’s surpassing wisdom — & that’s when he said it...
“I have a feeling it won’t just be hair roots — but our faith roots, too.”
Because that spiritual gray I’ve been bleaching with busyness...
And that job title I’ve been wearing as an identity...
And that stock number I’ve been depending on as my anchor...
And that social environment I’ve been using to fill voids...
And that place of worship I’ve been relying on as my foundation...
And those loud gatherings I’ve been trusting to drown out my thoughts....
And those non-essential shopping sprees to cover my pain...
Yep, they’re being e x p o s e d .
There’s no dying, coloring, highlighting, low-lighting, Balayage-ing, covering, hiding these roots.
And since God is not a God of condemnation, but of revelation from the One who is our safehaven; no shadow of shame will cover our face (or hair) ~Psalm 34.5
It’s here IN this time of stillness where God gently reveals the roots, exposes the gray & blankets us in His confident hope.
A hope saturated in a Love which
enables us to whisper in the darkest of moments... “I do not fear bad news. I
confidently trust the Lord to care for me!” Replay & repeat.
And that is what this is for us.
It is turning to God in trust.
It is us standing outside a stinking
tomb, our friends, our loved ones inside.
And hearing God say, "Come
And living again.
This time will reveal to us that we
can't trust in much in this life.
And that the things we have leaned on
are going to die.
But in that place God will grow new
things in us.
That is the continuing story of our
Dying and rising.
In this time of that we are
experiencing dying, I hope that you can trust and know that God is also rising
new things in you through this time.
Trust in God's love to bring us
through this.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
For God's Glory
I spent some time this week calling
people in our congregation to check in and see how people are doing.
I am glad to say that most people are
doing OK.
We are all a little befuddled about
what is happening.
I heard a lot of people say something
like, "It is really unbelievable".
I also heard some express concern
about what is happening.
Some people are mad about what is
They see the economic impact and are
mad that we are taking such drastic steps.
Maybe we should have worship.
Maybe we should have school.
Maybe the restaurants and other
business should stay open.
We are only talking about 1% of the
population dying.
We don't have all the information.
The media is making more of this than
it is.
Politicians don't know what they are
Maybe all that is true.
I don't think it is.
I think we are following the advice
of the CDC and WHO.
We are listening to science and
medical people.
But my job is not to defend the
media, politicians, science.
It is to bring good news.
And I want you to know that there is
good news in this time.
First and most important we always
have Jesus Christ.
Jesus reminds us that our lives are
more than what we make, what our job is.
It is more than flesh and bone.
It is also Spirit and soul.
And that is what I want us to focus
on this morning.
Because what good does it do to be
mad about this.
We can't control it.
Well….that usually makes us mad when
we can't control something.
This morning I want us to look at
this from a the spirit and soul angle.
And our Gospel for this morning is a
great guide.
I actually talked about this Gospel
story last week, not realizing it was the assigned text for today.
But it is perfect for today.
Because Jesus reminds us that the
man's blindness is not because of sin.
It is not caused by God, but it is
for God's glory.
It is so those around him will
realize a spiritual truth they have been missing.
I think the coronavirus can do the
same thing for us.
It can be used for God's glory.
And that is what I want you to think
about this morning.
How is it revealing God's glory in
your life?
Let me share a couple of things I
think it is doing for me.
I get to slow down.
I have not had any night time
It has meant more time at home with
my wife and kids.
We have played games, made delicious
food, watched movies, listened to music, and talked.
Of course, we have our moments of
frustration with each other, but overall it has been a wonderful time to slow
down and enjoy each other.
I have gotten to go on long walks
with my wife.
We went out a couple of times.
On those walks we talk.
We also have gotten to see a couple
of you along the way.
We have looked together for signs of
We saw flowers starting to bloom,
rivers running, sun shining, and people out and about.
When you slow down and walk you see
things you never saw before.
I have heard from many of you that
one of the things you miss most is worship.
What a wonderful insight.
One person told me they didn't know
how much our worship together mean to them until now!
Indeed we are seeing when things are
taken away just how valuable things are.
I am not saying that God sent the
Coronavirus so that we could learn to spend more time with our families, so we
could see spring springing up, or so we could see how much worship mean to us.
But since we are here in this time
let us use it for God's glory.
Because this is the time we are in.
This is the situation we are in.
We might not like it.
We might not think it is right or
But we are here so why not look for
the ways that God is moving in this time?
I was thinking this week about when
my mother was diagnosed with cancer.
It was about 8 years ago now.
And of course I would have preferred
that she never got cancer.
But because of that I have experience
so many blessings that I would have missed otherwise.
For example, when my mother went for
her first chemo treatment, my two sisters and I went with her.
We had a lovely day.
Talking, laughing, reliving old
And it dawned on me that this never
Whenever we are together it is a big
family moment.
There are cousins, aunts, and our
significant others.
There is normally no time in our busy
lives for just the four of us to be together.
And it probably wouldn't have
happened without this moment.
It was a day I will always treasure.
It was a gift from God, and it came
among a really horrible thing that was happening in our family.
I encourage you to look for these
moments in your life during this time.
I know you will have moments that are
There will be days when you hate the
coronavirus (actually I have already had this day).
I hope for you days when amidst this
awful time you will see the glory of God.
I hope for you to see the opportunity
we have been given to slow down and appreciate life.
An opportunity to take a walk and see
flowers budding up.
Because in John's Gospel being blind
isn't only about not being able to physically see, it is also about missing the
spiritual truth that is in front of you.
The blind man is not only cured of
his physical blindness, but is able to believe in Jesus.
During this time of physical
difficulty may we be able to spiritually see all the things that God is doing
in our midst.
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